'Public Support for Stem Cell Research Remains High'
'Differences widen between supporters and detractors,' Harris poll finds
From Harris Interactive:Most adults, regardless of party identification or religious affiliation, believe embryonic stem cell research should be allowed. Support has remained high over the past year as nearly three-quarters (74 percent) of U.S. adults believe stem cell research should be allowed today (73 percent in 2004).
"While support for stem cell research has remained steady overall, the number of Republicans and born-again Christians opposing stem cell research has risen over the past year and fewer are uncertain about their position on the issue.
"Today, one in four (25 percent) Republicans, compared to one in five (18 percent) one a year ago, believe that stem cell research should not be allowed. The proportion of Republicans who are unsure has declined to 15 percent, down from 21 percent in 2004. Three in ten (29 percent) born-again Christians, compared to two in ten (21 percent) just one year ago, believe that stem cell research should not be allowed....
"Other key findings from the survey include:
"A majority (72 percent) of adults tend to agree that as long as the parents of the embryo give their permission, and the embryo would otherwise be destroyed, stem cell research should be allowed; this is unchanged from 2004.
"Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of adults tend to agree that if most scientists believe that stem cell research will greatly increase our ability to prevent or treat serious diseases we should trust them and let them do it; this is virtually unchanged from 2004 (67 percent)....
"Majorities of adults continue to reject two arguments used by those who oppose stem cell research. Two in three (66 percent) tend to disagree that allowing any medical research using stem cells from human embryos should be forbidden because it is unethical and immoral, and 58 percent tend to disagree that using cells from human embryos for research comes too close to allowing scientists to play God...."
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